Got any unanswered trademark questions? Take a look below.

Q: Where do I even start with trademarking? It seems like a jungle out there!

A: I see your point. You could start by asking questions, if you don't know a trademark expert or specialist like me then YouTube has loads of videos and most information on there is free. 

My channel definitely is here's the link:

Q: I'm lost – why would I even need to bother with trademarking my brand?

A: Well, there are loads of reasons why you should do it. I have listed 4 below:

1) Businesses that own intellectual property, such as a trademark, are 1000% more likely to find funding.

2) A registered trademark gives credibility 

3) Your ideal client can find you much easier

4) A great trademark inspires loyalty in your clients

I will hold my horses for now and not overwhelm you eventhough there are far more resons why you could do it. 

Q: Help me out – what benefits does trademarking bring to the table for business owners?

A: There are many benefits to owning a trademark or more for business owners. If you didn't read my answer above I will endeavour to answer you here. 

1) A trademark is a vital part of any exit strategy, as the business becomes more valueable in the moment of sale when there's a registered trademark on the books.

2) As you build your business up you build the reputation up and the trademark is a part of that process

3) When you are expanding to new territory a registered trademark in the local and the new territory is vital, so that the competition dosen't end up grabbing it from under your nose. (There are now 7 reasons listed here for why it’s a good idea)

Q: Are there specific industries or businesses that should prioritise trademarking more than others?

A: I find that a really great question! The answer is no, I don't think so to be completely honest with you. Why because the minute you are someone who creates content or manufactures something then that's deserving of protection, so that you leave a great legacy behind.

A trademark is the best form of protection. And remember that all intellectual property rights go hand in hand to form a stronger shield of protection for your business. 

Are you ready to talk to me Céleste? If so tap or click this link the session isn’t free it’s £75, however you can ask me anything in the alloted time, 15 minutes.

Céleste RR

GRAND IPR®️ is led by Céleste.

The Trademark Accelerator, CEO of GRAND IPR®️ Céleste is an international speaker, author & multi-award-winning trademark specialist, ensuring that her clients trademarks are successful 100% of the time

For the past 10 years Céleste has been consulting clients who felt overwhelmed by the daunting task of trademark application. Aware that not everything can or should become trademarks, she will only perform the application, if she is certain that she can avoid wasting money.

Céleste has an unbroken track record of 100% registered trademarks. Her trademark package enables business owners to stay in their zone of genius, while protecting their Intellectual Property.

100 Most Valuable Brands of 2023


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