My Why

I had a mother, Jane Louise Reumert, who was a world renowned award winning ceramic artist, who quite often experienced that people would copy her work. As a child I hadn't any clear understanding of what to do, I just heard and felt her incerdible frustration each and every time it happened, and that I hated that she was being copied!

Later while I was studying the law or possibly after, she designed, and her husband ensured the manufacture, of a beautiful little fireplace designed for small spaces. She was awarded by Statens Kunstfond for it. She wasn't a sales person, she was a highly creative person, and so she and her husband found someone to sell it on their behalf.

The contract however wasn't up to scratch because the person writing it didn't know about intellectual property rights and hadn't put in a clause for breach of contract! They were tied to this salesman with that useless contract for 2 long years, despite breach of contract.

I wasn't consulted in any of this and when I suggested any kind of solution, after having studied the law, she would brush it off saying that nothing could be done that that was just how things were!

Are you ready to protect your intellectual property? Contact me here on my website to know more about my Academy.

Backstory to my why….

Naturally there is a backstory to my why

Back when my mother had designed the fireplace, at first it was called Krudtuglen ~ roughly translated gives the name of the Gunpowder Owl, not nearly as charming as in Danish - it was then named Bonfils ildsted. I wasn’t impressed with that, because where was my mother in that name? No where! 

Neither my mother nor Bo, my mothers husband, were sales people and so they wanted to find someone, as mentioned above, who would be responsible for the actual sale of the fireplace. Somehow they had found a guy who promised them the earth…. And so because of all those promises he was taken on to sell it for them.

Anyway I took it upon myself to have a serious conversation with my mother about contracts. I did this knowing full well that her husband Bo Bonfils hated contracts! To him they were a sign of mistrust, which is crazy. I know that back in the day a man’s word was his bond as we say here in the UK, however that isn’t very useful in a dispute situation. Bo was screwed over time and time again due to lack of contracts. 

So I said to my mother: You are the daughter of a highflying barrister, my grandfather Michael Reumert, you have to have a contract in place. She agreed to that and had someone else draw it up. As the second child out of three I wasn’t consulted in this, which is fine. What is less fine though is that the person who drew up the contract forgot two extremely vital clauses to the contract. 

First of all they forgot the IP clause and second of all they forgot to add a breach of contract clause in to the contract. 

The guy who was to sell the fireplace never delivered on any of the promises made. My mother and Bo were furious and frustrated, because even though there were clear breaches of contract, those two vital clauses were nowhere to be found in the contract as mentioned above and to they were tied to this man for two whole years! 

None of that would have happened had there been IP and breach of contract clauses in the contract in the first place. 

If you are ready to protect your highly valuable business assets, also known as IP, then feel free to reach out to me, I am here to help you. Tap one of the many buttons on this site.

Céleste RR

GRAND IPR®️ is led by Céleste.

The Trademark Accelerator, CEO of GRAND IPR®️ Céleste is an international speaker, author & multi-award-winning trademark specialist, ensuring that her clients trademarks are successful 100% of the time

For the past 10 years Céleste has been consulting clients who felt overwhelmed by the daunting task of trademark application. Aware that not everything can or should become trademarks, she will only perform the application, if she is certain that she can avoid wasting money.

Céleste has an unbroken track record of 100% registered trademarks. Her trademark package enables business owners to stay in their zone of genius, while protecting their Intellectual Property.

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